Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hola Peru!

Yup, Misterpiggy is going on another travel adventure, this time south of the equator to the country of Peru. His tour is with Class Adventure Tours (ie CAT Travel) and he will fly to Peru via Latin America's premier TACA airlines. The travel specialist at CAT Travel have been very informative and helpful and they get back to you very quickly.

TACA Airlines is a member of Star Alliance which Air Canada is also part of, so Misterpiggy will still accumulate his Aeroplan miles.

Misterpiggy booked all of his international and domestic flights on-line via TACA's on-line reservation system.  The link to it can be found here.  It was easy to use, but you have to double check your information that you enter as you go, because if you go back to a prior screen you might lose all your information and flights that you  input already.  If you have a frequent flyer like Misterpiggy does, be sure to enter it into the system when you are booking, but if you forget you can always call the TACA call center where someone will help you.

It is free of charge for TACA call center to add your frequent flyer number if you forget to enter it during on-line booking. You can even contact them to reserve your seats on each flight.  However if you want the call center to book your flight for you, they will charge you a fee, so try to use the on-line reservation system if you can to save a few dollars.

The trip is scheduled for May 2013 and the itinerary will be finalized soon, so Misterpiggy will provide updates every couple of weeks until then.

Next update: Feb 9, 2013!

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